Free (Mostly) Legal Forms

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The aforementioned forms may be mostly legal or mostly free. Take your pick. I mainly wanted to throw search engines off the track.

There is no implied warranty of merchantability, useabilty, or suitability for any particular purpose. The Uniform Commercial Code may or may not apply. The forms that the hyper-text links contained on this page point to were presumably prepared by professionals, but ask yourself why they are giving them away for free. [Is that a convoluted sentence, or what?] Consult a lawyer before you use these forms to avoid consulting a lawyer.

Reported side-effects were generally mild and included, but were not limited to, light-headedness, partial amnesia, sexual longing, heart palpitations, and loss of innocence. This page has not been reviewed by the Motion Picture Association of America. No animals (other than a small number of lawyers) were harmed in the preparation of this web page. Some assembly required. Demonstrations were performed by professional drivers on a closed track. Do not try this at home. Individual results may vary. Contents measured by weight, not volume; some settlement may occur. Adjust oven temperature for altitudes above 10,000 feet. Close cover before striking. Any resemblence to people living or dead is purely coincidental. Void where prohibited. Offer not valid in blue states. Any reproduction of the contents of this page without the express consent of Major League Baseball is strictly prohibited.

visual equivalent of rim shot

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Last modified April 5, 2005